Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Fan mail: reducing spams

As usual, I constantly get mails from my admirers readers and today here's another one worth sharing:

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This is actually a reply to a comment I made that his blog was spammed.

So what is a SPAM?


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As you can see from above, a spam is anything that looks like a advertisement, or a link that is unrelated to your blog. The funny thing in my example is the silly blogger actually replied to a spam, thinking it's a real compliment. He should've realised that his blog is fruit basket case, nobody in the right frame of mind would find him interesting, well except his baby doctor gf who got conned.

Anyhow, to answer the question, if you use the comments supplied by you can do something to reduce spams. Just follow the instruction below:

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So what you do is this:

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I'm using Haloscan instead and so far I have yet to receive any spam. So maybe if you have loads of spams, you might wanna consider disabling the comments and use Haloscan instead.

Hope this helps.