Thursday, July 21, 2005

Save 'em before it's too late

In view of what happened to Xia Xue, I have saved ALL my entries, just in case someone should hack into my blog account(I use very simply, easy password so that I don't forget). In the event that I want to change to another blog-hosting service, things will be easier also- think of it like packing up your belongings in boxes just in case you are shifting house.

Fortunately for me, I have only 2 months' of archives to work with. Yet, it still took me almost an hour to back up everything. So everyone should do also save a back up copy of his/her blog. Perhaps it may not be hackers, but maybe one day your blog-hosting provider may go crazy and delete everything you worked hard on.

On a lighter note, looks like someone else is even more protective of his bird(s) than Mike. Mike Tyson, the former "baddest man in the world", wants to build a $12,000 coop for his pigeons. Hey... isn't the guy a bankrupt? More importantly, why is it that everyone named "Mike" takes his birds so seriously?