Excited because it's finally here, "sian" because aiyor, another tiring training to attend. Then again, this time the training will be a bit different as most, if not all, of the trainees will be fellow instructors I see on a regular basis- previous trainings were mostly people I have never met before(some of them, who have since became instuctors too).
Anyhow, tonight I'm taking the night off instead of teaching at Fitness First Menara Summit. Ping and Alexander are covering RPM® for me(it's a halloween theme RPM® tonight) while Jackson is taking my BODYPUMP® class. Speaking of Ping, this girl is something. Don't let her appearance fool you- If you attend her BODYBALANCE® class, she's such an angel there. Even outside the class she is very gentle by nature.... But the moment you put her on a bike, she
Anyhow, turning the attention back to me. Today's break will allow me to recover since I had a crazy BODYCOMBAT® with the FF Cheras Leisure Mall members yesterday. There wasn't any newcomer in the class so I did a "press play and go" class- I was not stopping for breaks in between tracks but members could take a quick sip on their own and come back. At the end I only stopped after track 5 for 10 secs(I followed the clock) and press the play button again. Most of the members actually stayed on with me all the way. Feedback from members? Challenging but fun to do actually... Probably can't do that too often or newcomers will be scared away.
On another note, I will be going back to Penang during the Raya break. It will be a chance to spend time with mom and some friends there. Also, I will be recording my BODYPUMP® class there for certification. I am already a certified instructor in BODYCOMBAT® and RPM® and it is important that I get the certification in BODYPUMP® because
I was telling my gf yesterday my major concern going to bed tonight is not whether I pass the training. Instead, it's the basic issue I struggle with every morning- whether I will wake up on time or not. The scariest thing to happen is to actually overslept for the training. Not that it has happened to me before in any of the previous trainings but it's a phobia I have since I missed the 2002 Starwalk. I was so pumped up for my first ever competition, I packed everything, planned my breakfast and stuff... and ended up waking up at 6.45am, the registration time. *sigh*
Alright, lunch time now... I will probably not blog for the next 2 days. Even if I do, it will be in the evening since I finish my training at 5.30pm. Well, wish me luck!