Wednesday, December 14, 2005

When instructors party...

Last Saturday we had another instructors party. The last time we did it was in July at Jacqueline's place. This time, however, they decided to do it at Fitness First Menara Axis. We still had a great time, though I think Wes some of the blokes missed dunking people into the pool like last time.

Satay girl

I thought it was sweet of Leonara to contribute the satays, but being Malaysians, we all couldn't get enough of them! A couple hungry soulds were already eating them even though the wallop time had not officially started yet.

We needed the calories...

Food brought by the instructors...

Hunger got the better of him...

Basically the craziest instructors around are the Bodyjammers. While waiting for others to arrive, some of us tried to catch up with the rest of the instructors we usually don't get to meet because of our schedule, but not the Bodyjammers. They were in a world of their own, showing off their dancing ability enjoying themselves with the new BODYJAM® release. I should have brought my combat attire and done the new combat too.


The party invitation said the party time is 7pm, but most of the instructors came around 8pm. Fortunately I stole some satay earlier because I was really hungry already.

Gossip session

There was also gifts exchange- we're supposed to bring a gift worth a minimum of RM20, but I forgot about it. So, at the end I had to watch while everyone else was opening their gifts.

The party officially started around 8.30pm with a welcoming poem by the GX coordinator for Grace, our new boss, and it was followed by a game- "The Musical Stepboard". It's the same as musical chair but we use the step board instead.

The fact that I could take pictures tell you that I didn't last long in the game- maybe I'm just too mature for this childish game.

Peggy enjoying Jackson's butt...

After the game was over(cannot remember who won because too focus on eating), it was WALLOP TIME!!!

From right: Dennis(whom I first met at the Malaysian Idol audition),
Peter & Eric

There's supposed to be something funny here but I can't
quite recall the exact words...

Very beautiful choc cake... unfortunately I was not
in the mood for cake for it.

Another wonderful cake I didn't try

After wallop time we had exercise time... the organisers got all of us to participate in a line dancing class led by Sharon.

For the first time, you get to see instructors behaving like new members in a class. We looked pretty lost and funny too. I looked behind and I saw Wes and Eric Chin "gettin' jiggy with it" and I took a video recording of the act. Out of fear for my own life, however, I will not post it here. It shall remain as one for my own private viewing.

We did some Christmas numbers and prizes were given to a couple of people with the best move. Not surprising that most of the winners were BODYJAM® instructors.

After that, it was down to serious stuff- GIFTS EXCHANGE!

As I look around to see, I'm kinda disappointed that there wasn't much creativity in the gifts. The only good one was a pack of man's underwear Sharon got. Heck, if I had remembered, I would've bought things like toothpaste, detergent, condom, motorcycle 2T/4T oil, dog biscuits, sanitary pads, etc...

The party ended pretty early around 10 plus. It's fantastic to meet up like this because we teach at some many different gyms that it's hard to meet up and have fun together. Whoever came up with the idea(you, GW?)... THANK YOU!

Many thanks to everyone who planned the party and brought the food... see you again in the next GX party!