Saturday, May 25, 2013

After 2 months of not being Gorgeous

Last month, I started my new job as Group Exercise Manager at FitWorx in PJ after a very interesting stint with Gorgeous Fitness. So far I am very pleased to be back in the position I am most comfortable & effective. While it was a good learning experience to be a club manager but I don't think I will ever apply to be a club manager again. I am happiest when I can focus on GX and not worry about PT, membership sales, etc.

One thing I realised is that I had regressed as an instructor when I became a club manager. In Gorgeous Fitnses, while I was teaching an average of 4-5 classes a week, I did not have a permanent BODYCOMBAT class, my favourite programme. Now, I have 8 classes, 2 of which are BODYCOMBAT, 5 BODYPUMP classes, & 1 Basic Step class. By  July, I will be giving one of my BODYPUMP classes to another instructor and that would just nice. I do hope I don't have to teach RPM for a while, until my butts & legs get itchy again for it.

For now, I just want to focus on getting the GX classes more exciting, hopefully in the process I will also help to improve the standard of teaching in FitWorx & maybe groom some new instructors. First project is of course next week's Les Mills launch on 1 June Saturday to showcase the new BODYCOMBAT, BODYPUMP & RPM releases. To make it more enticing, decided to throw in a 90-min Zumba as well. To make it even better, I have invited a few instructors who normally don't teach in FitWorx to launch with me, so that members will get something different from just another GX class. If this works out well next week, I will consider this formula with guest instructors coming every quarter.

After the launch, I will be moving to make the cycling classes work. So far, the attendance for the classes has be rather disappointing. Knowing that the members are willing to work hard, I am surprised that the cycling classes are less than 50% filled most of the time. Sometimes even lower than 40%. Hopefully the promotion will work.

With work stuff coming in, I am somewhat not feeling the itch to get back on stage to perform. Still, once I am more settled into my work, let's try to get something to do. Starting with perhaps Short+Sweet Festival 2013:)

1 comment:

TZ said...

from the title of the post... i thought you are not being GORGEOUS for two months. hehehe... actually you switched fitness center :p