Some updates on the Mike's bird blog: I have apologized to
Mike and he has gracefully accepted it... but the damage has been done, unfortunately. Everytime I think about it, I feel like this:
yeah, shame on me...Nevertheless, the onus is on me to mend the bridge.... and since Mike is on my friendster list, I'd figure I should take some time to see if there's anything we have in common. Learning from my past mistakes, I will blot out the unneccesary stuff because I don't know whether he intends anyone else besides his friends to see them.

Besides being born in Penang, we don't really have much in common. The moment I realised that Mike likes to read
The Fundamental of Physics, I know that I'm way out of his league. Heck, the only books I read nowadays are those Hong Kong kung fu comic books from Jade Wong. Ever though we both love photography, we aren't really the same- he likes taking pictures, while I like stealing them.
Fortunately, I discovered that we do love to watch TV/movies. I am surprised to see that he loves
"Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels", a British movie directed by Madonna's hubby- can't remember his name though. It's a funny movie but I don't think it was ever shown here in Malaysia, since we are so into the American stuff. I watched it in Australia. I wonder how he got to watch it... ooh, something to talk about next time!
So Mike loves
South Park -must be because of his time in the US. I've not watched it since I came back from Australia. I did watch the movie though, and it was hilarious!! I used to have the VCD, until my nephew borrowed my collection and lost so many of them!
CSI...err, which one? Nowadays I don't have much time to watch any of them anymore. Back in Penang, I had my own Astro; now, I'm staying with my brother's and he's perpetually bewitched by the Wah Lai Toi TVB series.
Looks like it's going to be hard to connect with Mike again... not that we were that close in the first place. The most memorable thing we shared is watching football at his place one night and I asked if he wanted to eat instant noodles. He replied "no", and I uttered the most memorably phrase,"You don't want, I want..." Remember that, Mike? ;-)
Ahh... looking forward to seeing you, bro!